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Onset display request

hello everybody,

some time ago I asked for a feature, that was implemented thanks to our brave developers. working further with this, I’ve realised that it would be very useful also to have those onset values displayed on the pertinent classes on every event. something along the lines of dur, dyn, or channel. would that be possible? or am I asking too much? and yes, I’m aware that such values may look a bit awkward on a score-class for densely populated seqs. so a way to turn them away may also be handy.
anyway, I propose this, if not possible for om, to be considered as a feature in om#.
thanks again!
best regards,

Dear Perti,

I don’t know if you noticed, in Chord-seq, multi-seq, voice, and Poly objects you have this info, (please see below)

The first integer IS the onset time and the last is the offset (meaning the end of the duration).
Or maybe i didn’t get your request right. To you mean to print these values literally below or above the event ? It could be done via the extras, but doing this by default will scramble all the editors’ view.
Can you be more explicit?


yes Karim, I’m aware of that, of course. maybe I was not clear enough in my request. yes, I meant to print these values below, above or aside. and as you say this would scramble the view. that’s why I’ve said that perhaps it’s better to make it optional with a switch or tick.
but the point to me is that it would be nice to have all that information to relate different events at a glance. with my request one would not need to select each event for comparing, the info would the there all at once. when using some fuzzy or random functions, I have to check and relate the attributes of different events, and that takes a lot of time as I have to select each event one by one, then write down the info and then compare it.
I hope I made clear myself this time. if not, I can describe a typical working situation for you to better grasp why I’m asking this feature.
you say that ‘it can be done via the extras’ but I’m not sure I’m getting it. I’ve never used them. need to investigate them a bit.

thanks again Karim,

Dear Perti,

Ok I understand now your request. I believe maybe that the best thing to have is an info window opened on the selection of an object giving all info needes, midic, dur, onset, etc. depending on what the object is of course. However to implement this needs some work to do. For now our priority is to keep things stable and fix some bugs, But promise, this request will be on the list.


dear Karim,
I know is not a priority and i am pleased to know it can be taken into the feature request list.
they’re just ideas that arise when working in om.
thank you again,
best regards,

Dear Perti,

Just to let you know, that this is now on the list and in progress.
Will send you a prototype soon.


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hello karim,
c’est fantastique!!
merci beaucoup once again,
best regards,