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Omsheet errors?

Hello everyone.

I’m having some issues with OMSHEET. Firstly, I can’t seem to set the microtonal resolution - the appearance and playback is fixed at 1/2. I thought I could perhaps go into each object (they’re all chord-seq), and set the display there, but upon trying to do so I get this:

An error of type simple-error occurred: No applicable methods for #<standard-generic-function set-edit-param 40E0B4E85C> with args (#<sheet-track-obj 42205090E3> cursor-mode :normal)

I’m using the latest build of OM for MacOS.

Thanks for any help you can offer with this!


Unfortunately the sheet object an unfinished object. So you might encounter such issues. It is better not to use it for the time being unless for experimental dev reasons.


Hi, this code fix in OM 6.12/patches/ should let you open the chord-seq editors inside OMSheet
… but it will not solve the microtonal resolution issue.
I will post something here if I can do something about it. All best,

sheet-open-internal-editor.lisp (1.84 KB)

Thanks guys!