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Omquantify: how to know which notes are lost during quantizing

Assume you have a list of N pitches and a list of N durations in ms.
You use omquantify to obtain a rythm tree from the durations. Depending on its settings, some number of notes are lost while quantizing. Is there a way to know which ones are lost? So you can pick the “corresponding” pitches from the pitch list.

Hi testmw

Yes. I was supposed to release a new quantifier that takes into account the missing notes by concatenating them into chords. However. due to M1 processor apple issue, I was busy getting an OM compatible version for the new macs which delayed me to do so.
Now OM is up and running on M1 and to be released pretty soon. Will see if i can manage to integrate this feature in the next release.


OK, merci Karim!

Dear testmw,

Just to let you know: now gkant is integrated in the next upcoming release. So the “lost notes” are back again :slight_smile:

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