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Omp file format

hello OM developpers,

quite often, I use to hack OM patches by hand.
But it seems that the content of the OM patches are printed using only one line so that for some big patches or OM objects which include (very) long lists, the line may be very -very long, so long that even emacs may present some troubles to read them.
Sure I can use sed or so to reformat such OM patches in such a way (OM doesn’t make a difference), but wouln’t be clever to generate omp patches from OM directly using multiple lines, as for instance Max-Pd do ?


Dear Fred,

Normally, patches are not meant to be edited “by hand” (ie in lisp mode), except whne you encounter a problem. But i can understand that. The issue with the line breaks, is to keep it compatible for all three platforms. However, we will look into that, because indeed, it is painful to edit one line specially if this is a very very long one. Beside that you can try using emacs as you stated, by loading partial buffer mode for the time being this will help.


Dear Karim,

in effet I may have to edit a patch in text mode when I encouter a problem with OM, for instance when a patch is saved in OM and then make OM crashing or not not responding when, for instance reloading it from the workspace. In such a case hours of work can be lost if you can not edit it easily from a text editor (if te last can open it witout trouble wen lines are too long).
I know tat inn principle Unix permit very long lines but in practice (on last OSX) it’s not the case.
Elseweere, I’m asking to myself (and you) if such troubles in OM may not be a side effect of (too) long lines, as in some text editors as emacs (it’s a pitty tat a patc save in OM make emacs not answering for a while (infinite ?) when a sed command can edit it and fix te problem.

Anyway, since I can use sed it’s not a priority for me.
