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OM7 beta Windows

Hi Jean,

What a great job you are doing with the new Om7. Congrats!
I have a request if you could create a port for windows, so win users can start testing as well.

Hope it’s not too hard. Also can you confirm that the final version will be both OSX & Win?

What a Nice Idea !



Hi Ermir,

Windows version is part of the plan of course. I prefer to focus on one platform until a certain stage, and then will try to provide a Windows version of it as well.

I hope to release a beta 0.2 in the next few weeks, which will be a pretty complete version of the OM “kernel” (the base visual language not -yet- including the full packages for score, MIDI, audio, etc.)

All best,

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… here is the beta 0.2, including a Windows build:

I have not had much time to test the Windows version, and I think quite a number of problems may exist with the graphical interface.
In particular, I have not been able yet to get the new font that is used in OM7 (bravura.otf, see ./resources/fonts/) to display correctly in score boxes and editors.


Hi Jean,

Many thanks for the windows version. Very excited to test and report any bugs I find.
Let us know if you wanted a separate thread for this.

I’m on Win10 64-bit.

  • As you mention Bravura font is not displaying
  • External libraries do not show in the tab after specifying their folder paths in the preferences.


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We used ttf font files for OM6, but I’m sure there is a way to install and use .otf files, too on Windows…

Beware that the libraries you want to use must be compatible with OM7 (an easy way to know is to check if they contain a .omlib file). At the moment you can find a dozen comatible libraries on the GitHub project.

We used ttf font files for OM6, but I’m sure there is a way to install and use .otf files, too on Windows

In general, one can install and use .otf files on windows. E.g. I already have Bravura installed and working on other notation programs. This is what it looks like on my display

Beware that the libraries you want to use must be compatible with OM7

Ah ok. Downloaded the compatible ones and they do work! Thanks


  • Chaos 1.4 Works
  • Esquisse 1.1 & Repmus 1.1 work after deleting the .*fasl files on the sources. 2beta%20Library%20Error%202019-09-07
  • Aleas 1.2 doesn’t show up on the external libraries tab.
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after a too fast overview, I’m enthusiast, by I didn’t know SuperVP needs an authorization with Windows :

SuperVP::Initialization failed: please register an activation key by using -init_key_file

how can I do for authorizing ? On OSX, I use to launch AudioSculpt

seen on Forumnet,

The SuperVP and pm2 command line tools are distributed for all platforms here:

I think you need to authorize them form the command line, as explained in the error message (adding “-init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt” to your command, where “Ircam_Activation_Key.txt” points to the activation file sent by the Forum authorization system).

Right. I still need to figure that out.

If you’re interested in details, I created the “omfasl” extension to differenciate files compiled by OM6 (which uses default LispWorks extensions xfasl, 64xfasl, nfasl, etc.) and OM7, so that a same lib can be used and compiled in the two environments. But I didn’t differenciate between platforms, which is not good (a file compiled on one platform can not be loaded in another platform).
That’s a temporary situation though, as I think it would be easier at the end if there is only one, standard extension per platform.

This is strange. Can you check “Alea 1.2” is unzipped and placed in the same folder as the other libs ? Does it contain a file named Alea.omlib ?

Hi jean, and everyone who use OM for Windows

I’ve downloaded SuperVP / Pm2 from the Forumnet page you link to

I’m afraid it’s no so easy…


As SuperVP & Pm2 are .exe files, I’ve tried to launch them with no results… they don’t work

the activation txt is in this folder (desktop)

Any clue or alternative process ?

Many thanks in advance


Hi again,

the command line tools do not activate anything so, I’ve downloaded OM-pm2, and I go to preferences/externals in OM 6.15 so :


And now, it works,
I hope it could be useful in the future



Yeah somehow it is not recognized…

Hi again,

OmSpat.framework :

Library OMSpat not found:C:\Users\schir\Documents\Max 8\Packages\spat5\media\omspat\OmSpat.framework\OmSpat. See Preferences/Externals


hi, cancel the .omfasl files in libraries, look at my trash :slight_smile:


You must add "-init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt” at the end of the command line. For instance:

cd wherever SuperVP is located
./supervp.exe -init_key_file Ircam_Activation_Key.txt”

The library folder must be Alea 1.2, not Alea-1.2 (with no “-”)
OM uses the white-space separator to identify the library name

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Hi there. I have just uploaded an update of OM7 (beta 0.3).
See: https://discussion.forum.ircam.fr/t/om7-beta-0-3-released/

I think Bravura font will now work on Windows (for the record, I have made a TTF version of it as LispWorks/Windows does not support well OTF fonts).
There’s also improvements (I hope) in the management of binary/compiled Lisp files among different platforms and OM6/OM7 (e.g. when loading external libraries, after priblems reported in this discussion thread).

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