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Om-translate & om-rotate


Might anyone have insight into how om-translate & om-rotate work using the Y,P & R keys? I’d like to move a curve from its initial, centre, and perhaps other points but I’m not sure what the Y, P & R inputs require - a list? a value? Om-mirror seems to simply mirror a curve without the Y,P & R inputs being anything other than ‘t’.

If there’s any information available that might explain the above beyond the usual documentation I’d be very grateful to know.

Thanks in advance,

Dear krhes,

You are right. There is no documentation on this subject unfortunately. However, it is ““somehow”” straight forward:

-om-translate, just adds x y and z z only for 3dc) the values to the total of initial xyz

-om-rotate for Bpc and 3dc:
“apparently”, for, Bpcs you can just use the :yaw key (in degrees of rotation.) The other keys are for 3dcs.

However, all complementary examples are welcomed. (Jean ?)

It’s not so much (sorry) but here is the patch:
Patch 2.omp (10.8 KB)

Dear Karim,

Indeed - it is so straightforward (but of course after being shown most things are!). However, thank you again for your illuminating response, this is really helpful.


Hi there,

Those functions have originally been ported from the OMPrisma library and what Karim says is correct. Just a quick note that rotations around axes (yaw = z axis, roll = y axis, pitch = x axis) are of course not commutative, e.g. yaw then pitch is different from pitch then yaw.

Thanks for this Marlon,
I appreciate the added information. BTW, I enjoyed your paper on representation, processing and mapping (and OM-Geste).

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Hi Marlon,

Thanx for the info. By the way didn’t know that these functions came from your library. Sorry man!

Keep the good ol’ work
