I’d like to report some issues with the om-sample and list-elements objects:
om-sample seems less accurate than the deprecated bpf-sample. I’ve noticed a few times that the former sometimes returns one sample less than what is asked for, whereas the latter seems more consistent. I’ve just tried both in a patch, and for 177 samples requested, the results are 176 vs. 177. But, strangely enough, there’s a difference with bpf-sample when we specify, or not, the min and max value (see images): when nil (default value), it’s the same error as om-sample, but if values are specified, then it’s more precise.
list-elements: we can add outlets, but not remove outlets.
sequence: we can add inlets and outlets one at a time, but when removing, they all go back to one, it cannot be one by one.
All best,