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OM-RQ How to use?

Hello OM Hivemind,

I have been interested in the OM-RQ library for a while now (with some features not in OMquantify), but have some trouble figuring out how it works. In particular, how to include potential solutions with tuplets, and how to control the tempo of the quantification. Can someone shed some light on this?

Also, is there any published guide on OM-RQ and its implementation?

Much Appreciated,

Dear Brandon,

You have some documentation here:

And on this page (below) more resources on this library:

Hope this helps.

Thanks very much Karim, for all your helpful answers.
I’m trying to open the demo patch but get this error:

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 1.50.06 AM

Any help appreciated.

Ah, nevermind. Solved. RQ.lisp was in an unexpected location!

Thanks again.

No problem.

Just a slight remark (maybe irrelevant): as i see on your error modal message, it is indicated RQ 1,2. It should be not a comma but a dot: RQ 1[dot]2

Maybe not that important.
