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OM problem to launch on Windows

Hi WillianBilli,

Thanx for the feedback. However you are not supposed to move the OMAudioLib.dll out from the Om folder. That’s why you are getting the last error concerning openAudioManager which is a call to a function in the dynamic lib.
Our guess it is a problem with the lib compilation which works under certain processors and nit with old ones. can you tell us which processor you have on your machine?
As soon as we have a windows station working (we are missing one), we will get to the task to see that this lib works on most of 64 bit processors.


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Hi haddad,
Thanks for the feedback and attention!
My processor is really old (intel duo core), but last year, I managed to install version 6.15 on this same machine without any problems. However, I had to format the computer and took the opportunity to install the new version (6.16). After formatting, even version 6.15 stopped working. There has been no hardware change since the first successful installation.
For this reason, I believe that Windows Update stopped making some update automatically, this would explain the fact that the previous installation was successful, but this is just a guess. And if so, you would need to find out which update needs to be performed manually.
I’ve done the test of installing OM before any windows update, the difference is that other dlls are missing. In this test without any Windows update I had to manually install the following dlls:
All of these errors were easily resolved, except for the OMAudioLib.dll error.
If there is a problem in the lib compilation there is a possibility to work around this problem something that was in the operating system before formatting.