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OM keeps looking for non existing files

Hi there! I had a few problems with OM file locations. My workspaces are on my G drive in an Open Music folder. At some stage some patches seemed to dissapear. I found them eventually in a folder called OpenMusic on my C drive. I copied the files into the correct folder on my G drive but now every time I try and save my workspace I get an error message and the Saving folder Rhythm does not want to close.
Now the files that I copied are visible in the workspace folder in OM. How can I tell OM to stop looking C:\OpenMusic ?

Sorry! Please ignore!
I had tried to close the workspace before but when I closed and re-opened it again it had fixed itself. Obviously something had not been deleted from the workspace info before.


Yes it is the ./finderinfo hidden file that i advise you to delete. This is a mac file that is created by mac and is useless on windows on linux and other parts of the planet :wink:
