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OM for Windows, old versions

Hi everybody.

I am trying to find a way to put the old OMWindows version of OM (6.12) that as Jean Bresson stated should work on some setup on windows 10. (however i am not that sure).
But things here (forumnet) are rather complicated, so i should find a way to put this archive ASAP.

Best to you all.

Dear Karim,

I have a site for my course materials, with a page for my OM/PWGL library. I don’t know if possible or opportune, but I could create a link that OM version from that page, if you send me the installer, if that can help. The page is this: https://sites.google.com/site/fdsdbmascagnienglishversion/code/fdsdb_xxth_ct-for-open-music in English, and this: https://sites.google.com/site/fdsdbmascagni/code/fdsdb_xxth_ct-per-open-music-1 in Italian.
If not possible no problem.



Thanx Fabio for your proposal.

I have put this here:

Hope this works ?

Dear Karim,

Thank you very much! As soon as I succeed in getting in touch with my student I will tell you if the version runs: at the moment the Institute is closed until 15th of March (for covid emergency…), so I must search a mail address of the student to get in touch with her before that date.
In Italy there is a proverb: “Piove sul bagnato”, that in English I suppose could be something like “It’s raining on the wet”.
I hope to give you soon good news.
Thank you again, ciao


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I have got this same problem with Windows 10, tested OM 6.15, and 6.16, apparently fdsdb (Fabio) haven’t replied, so I can inform that older 6.12 OM-version runs in my Windows 10, and haven’t noticed any problems (so far). 6.15 and 6.16 also hanged on task manager, neither was able to register OMaudiolib.dll (tried manually too, with regsvr32, didn’t work). But 6.12 seems to work fine.

Hi jp48,

Just a reminder, this is not OM incompatibility, it’s only the omaudiolib.dll which happens to be compiled for newetr cpu’s. Yours apparently is an old one no?
In this case it is too bad to use an old OM. Just try to switch the dlls from 0m612 -> om617. It should be ok.


Hi haddad,

Yes, I am aware of that, saw other thread about it. This laptop is new, but the processor is Intel Celeron N4000, and apparently Celeron doesn’t work in 6.15-6.17. Switching to i5-processor machine tomorrow, just wanted to inform that 6.12 works fine in this (and older) setup. And yes, testing 6.17 by switching omaudiolib.dll from 6.12.

Thanks, best, Jukka