Hi all,
I’m trying to synthesize in OM a SDIF Chant file produced by as a “Sequence” in Diphone, but I get a “Segmentation fault” error that prevents me to get any sound file. Here’s what appears in the OM Listener:
OM > ==========================
OM > Running CHANT with /Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Chant/Sequence 1.sdif
OM > Number of channels= 1
:: cd “/Applications/OM 6.9_beta_4/libraries/OM-Chant 2.1/resources/bin/macos/”; “./chant” -v -i"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Chant/Sequence 1.sdif" -o"/Users/fravtl/Desktop/ b/out-files/Sequence 1.aif" -sa16 -n3 -v
:: Chant create temporary file: /Users/fravtl/Desktop/ b/out-files/Sequence 1.aif.sf.tmp
:: Chant Synthesis begin.
:: cd “/Applications/OM 6.9_beta_4/libraries/OM-Chant 2.1/resources/bin/macos/”; “./chant” -v -i"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Chant/Sequence 1.sdif" -o"/Users/fravtl/Desktop/ b/out-files/Sequence 1.aif" -sa16 -n3 -v: line 1: 4096 Segmentation fault “./chant” -v -i"/Applications/Diphone Studio 4.2/ImpExport/Chant/Sequence 1.sdif" -o"/Users/fravtl/Desktop/ b/out-files/Sequence 1.aif" -sa16 -n3 -v
What could be the nature of the problem? Is there a (quick) fix? Thanks for your attention.
Francesco Vitale