I’m using OM 6.16 and when I try to use the pm2 library I get this message: “… the developer can not be verified”. How can I use pm2? Is it because I’m using version 1.3 instead of current version 1.6?
I’m using OM 6.16 and when I try to use the pm2 library I get this message: “… the developer can not be verified”. How can I use pm2? Is it because I’m using version 1.3 instead of current version 1.6?
Hi Gonçalo,
The screenshot tells me you’re on Catalina, and that the Pm2 app from the OM-pm2 library wasn’t notarized.
If you have AudioSculpt installed (and working on your system), you could perhaps try the AS pm2 executable instead. You can do this by changing the filepath for the pm2 executable in OpenMusic’s Preferences (in the “Externals” pane.)
The filepath for the AS pm2 executable will be something akin to:
/Applications/AudioSculpt 3.4.6/AudioSculpt 3.4.6.app/Contents/MacOS/pm2
All the best,
Thanks. I have audiosculpt 3.3.9… it does not work in Catalina. I think it’s time for me to update software.
Please be advised,
Audiosculpt 3.4.6 latest version on forumnet, will not run on Catalina. However, as Antonio says, pm2 and SuprVp shiped with this version will. It is the 32/64 bit issue with Catalina.