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Offset in mubu.concat


Maybe I do not understand the offset attribute in mubu.concat, but should it not be an offset time within the segment? So for example you have a marker at time 10000 and you have your offset at 2000, the segment that goes with said marker starts to play at time 12000, no?
That is not what I hear in both the help patch and in my own efforts. In the help patch it cuts from the back end of the loop but leaves the samples itself alone. Which does seem to suggest that it is an offset for when the segment starts playing. In which case I am curious whether there is also an attribute that does what I am looking for. That is, start playing later then the marker position itself but with no influence on the scheduling of the segment, e.g. for playing notes without their onsets.

Best, Hans.

Hi Hans, offset is only for synchronisation with @play enabled. Negative offset will start playing before the marker, positive offset will delay the segment (and crop the end, to respect duration).
I fear, for your use case, you’ll need to copy the markers with added offset to a new track, and switch concat to that track.

Hi Diemo,

Happy holidays.

Thanks. I keep a side administration for my marker values and move the markers around from their default value. That works.

As a follow-up question. I have noticed that the ‘level’ parameter works on individual grains and is ‘sampled’ before a grain is played. I wouldn’t want it any other way. When dealing with long duration grains though, how difficult would it be to address their levels while they are playing?

Thanks in advance.

Best, Hans.