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Nuendo export not working anymore in the player

When I try to open a wav 7.1.4 in the player, I get an error no axml
and if I add one manually, I get
spat5.adm.play~: “M:\Mes projets Nuendo\Maggiau-80\Mixdown\test ADM LIve.wav” has no chna chunk
If you have an idea… Coll, merci


I would need more information to understand the issue.
Where does the wav file come from ? How has it been produced ? Is it (supposed to be) an ADM file ?
“Nuendo export not working anymore” : does this mean this used to work ? if yes, what has changed since ?
What is your platform / OS / ADMix version ?
Can you send me the file ? (you can send me a private message)


From Nuendo, I was able to export a file 7.1.4 with all information in my multi tracks wav file.
I was then able to use it in my admix player.
Now I do the same and I have an error in the admix player as described in my message
windows 10 latest
ADmix player 0.5.2

I may send you both ok/nok files …
but they are not small

mon export Nuendo

Well, I’m not familiar with Nuendo, but according to this screenshot, it’s not totally sure if this is an ADM export…
“Exporter mixage audio” : this looks like a channel-based bounce, rather than ADM. No ?

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If the files are large, feel free to use a file transfer service (wetransfer or alike).

Maybe I will try another way to export… I will come back to you in a few days… Holidays :wink:
Thank you

You were correct … I exported my file the wrong way…