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Note display issue on Windows10

Dear OM# developer,

Thanks for opening and reading this topic,

Below is a screenshot:

Is it means some font asset is missing for the displaying?

Looking forward to having your reply,

Best regards,


Oh I figured out how to fix it by reading your discussion!

Thanks so much for your fantastic work on OM#, Jean!

Btw, If anybody confront the same issue,
Just go to https://github.com/steinbergmedia/bravura to get the font,
Then use Inno setup (https://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php#stable) to install it,



Hi iexmatsu, I’m glad you found a solution, however in principle, the Bravura font is shipped with OM# and should be installed on your system when you run the installer program. :thinking:

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Yeah it was weird… maybe caused by some non-closed application like OM6 that blocked the installing of those font?..I’m glad that I was doing some help for finding new problem XD
Add: My OM# was the lastest build