I am connecting a DIY wav-soundbank to OM with the objects SMPL-1 and SMPL-3 in Chroma, in order to convert the chord-seq directly to audio file (since I am a bit tired to repeat the workflow: om-export-midi ==> load in DAW ==> bounce as sf )
Firstly I tried it with SMPL-1 to load 1500 files (some of them are repeated) from disk and it took very long time.
Then I tried with SMPL-3 to load the files into GEN01, it is much quicker. But with the two approaches, the results were different.
At the end, I made an algorithm (but very slow) for peak-amp dectection for each loaded soundfile, and multiply it with the amplitude parameter list for the SMPL-3 class, and the result was finally the same as the one with SMPL-1.
I guess, there should be a process of normalization by loading the soundfile into “GEN01” or by using the GEN01 table for synthesis between “SMPL-3” and “synthesizer” . I tried to find a place to disable that but at the end, the rescale (keyword input for synthesizer) is just for the finale normalization not for each single loaded sf.
So I would like to discover:
- If there is a way to disable this normalization for the GEN01 table?
or - If there is a nice function for detect the peak-amp of each soundfile? (I tried sox or audio-io::om-get-sound-buffer==>om-read-ptr but it was very slow)
or - If there is a similar approach to render a chord-seq with WAV-samplebank in OM which I can inspire myself?
Thank you very much in advance!
(ps … the patch is with too much user defined function and the soundbank is too large to be uploaded, but I think the idea is clear)
Best wishes,