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New release v1.2.8c


this is a new release of the max project to be presented during the following webinar: https://forum.ircam.fr/agenda/webinaire-isis-max-isis/detail/

Here are the release notes:
Releases Notes:

  • Completely refactored way to handle notes and syllables using 2 javascripts.
  • phonetizer.js: Check and modify automatically lyrics input.
    ** To produce a better fitting labels input to ISiS.
    ** Can be customized to transform text into Xsampa and or to add specific phonetization.
    ** Accelerate the parsing of the lyrics input and ease it using normal javascript regexp function instead of embed regexp Max External whom spelling can be sometimes cumbersome.
  • write_cfg_file.js: Adapts the writing of the cfg file to the production constraints of ISiS
    ** Write files instead of old inadequate sprintf function
    ** Make sure of no lack for labels (split the syllables into attack-nucleus-coda and prolongate the nucleus/vowel when missing label)
  • Conversion from score to roll:
    ** Use of any tempo changes inside a score
    ** Get rid of double silence case caused by bars

See you on monday and enjoy ISiS.