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New Release - Somax2 v2.5


Thanks @assayag @mmalt @borg and @fiorini !!!

The Somax2 Developer’s Documentation has just been issued. Check it out here.
WIih this doc you’ll be able to understand the Somax2 Python / Max architecture and you’ll be guided into the different parts of the Python backend code.


Three new sets of Somax2 video documentations have been added :

Joelle LĂ©andre Residency : Somax2 Studio Sessions with Great Bass Player Joelle LĂ©andre (part of the project REACHing OUT! )

Somax2 Public Performances : Concerts with great Improvisers using Somax2

REACH Music and AI medias : a whole lot of concerts videos where the REACH softwares are used (or friend concerts at the Improtech Festival)

Check somax2 [Music Representations Team] for more info

A new, Advanced Tutorial, has been added.

This tutorial show you how to let Somax2 co-improvize with a collection of great XXth century composers and discover advanced, real-life interaction scenarios, as can be seen in the associated collection of demo videos

It’s all on Repmus somax2 project page

I’m following the youtube tutorial from IRCAM at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Azyt_5C6KQ but I’m stuck on the basics. When I click “Start Server” I get a windows prompt asking me what app I want to use to run whatever file it is trying to open. What app should I use? I’ve tried selecting max and python but nothing seems to happen.


  • Launch max
  • Start somax2.overview from the Extras menu
  • Click “First Steps with Somax2” (server is offline)
  • Click “Start Server” and get windows prompt asking “How do you want to open this file”?

Max console output

ircamdescriptor~ beta version 0.9 double precision, copyright Ircam-Centre Pompidou
bc.virfun v0.1b – 2010: Virtual fundamental calculation
   design by GĂ©rard Assayag with help from Bennett Smith
   external by Benjamin LĂ©vy
bonk~ v1.5 -- 64bit version by vb
bc.yinstats v1.0 – 2010: statistical post-processing for yin~
   design by Georges Bloch, external by Benjamin LĂ©vy, moral & coffe support by GĂ©rard Assayag
yin~ (pitch analysis), version 3/2021 (15)
  by ISMM Team after Cheveigne/Kawahara, IRCAM - Centre Pompidou
udpreceiver: binding to port 7374
udpreceiver: binding to port 1235
udpreceiver: binding to port 1237
somax.interpreter: Launching the somax server...
somax.interpreter: Launching the somax server...


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I assume you installed Somax with the regular user installation (downloading the dmg and copying the extract folder in your Documents/Max 8/Packages folder)?
The somax server should be opened with a Terminal (either Apple’s native one, or other terminal applications like iTerm2). Be sure to give Full Access Disk permission to the Terminal in your Security and Privacy Settings (in System Preferences).

Please let us know if this solves the issue!


Thanks for your reply! I’m a bit out of my depth here and should learn other things before getting into this so don’t worry about trying to help me out here anymore, just posting the following in case it’s of any use

I had installed it in the wrong place (C:\Program Files\Cycling '74\Max 8\resources\packages) but now I have moved it to the correct place and the result is similar, windows asks what program it should use to run the file. Windows cmd didn’t know what to do and PowerShell didn’t seem to do anything. Using Cmder (https://cmder.app/) I can see that it’s trying to use the directory C:\Users\ME\Documents\Max 8\Packages\Somax-2.6.0\misc\somax_server.app\Contents\MacOS\somax_server and it’s not working (because it doesn’t exist, and I guess is not correct for windows users?). I tried C:\Users\ME\Documents\Max 8\Packages\Somax-2.6.0\misc\somax_server.app and got the output below but the server status is still offline.

Generating Clink initial settings in "C:\cmder_mini\config\clink_settings"
        1 file(s) copied.
Additional *.lua files in "C:\cmder_mini\config" are loaded on startup.
Creating Cmder prompt config file: "C:\cmder_mini\config\cmder_prompt_config.lua"
        1 file(s) copied.
Creating initial user_aliases store in "C:\cmder_mini\config\user_aliases.cmd"...
        1 file(s) copied.
Creating user startup file: "C:\cmder_mini\config\user_profile.cmd"
        1 file(s) copied.


If you’re on Windows, did you download the Somax-2.6.0-win64.zip version from here? The misc folder of the Somax package is in the Windows distribution supposed to contain a somax_server.exe, not a somax_server.app. The fact that you have an .app rather seems to indicate that you’ve downloaded the MacOS version

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I think you’re right, thanks :man_facepalming:

I realize this is a silly mistake on my part but fwiw I followed the instructions at SOMAX2 | Ircam Forum and didn’t read the github instructions

Good morning,
i just installed Somax2 - 2.6 version following the instructions, but ins’t working. I have mac (chip M1) and latest Max version.

Thank you!

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could you please open a new thread in the Somax2 discussion page (here: SOMAX 2 - Ircam Forum) adding more information about your issue so that we can help you?
Like, for example, what exactly is not working? What is your workflow? Do you have any errors in the Max console or in the terminal? etc.
