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New piece for baritone sax and antescofo

Hello everyone,

Thought some of you might be interested that a short piece made with antescofo, and which was premiered in Italy last June, is now available for listening. It’s for baritone sax and computer, is 100% algorithmically generated, and allows the musician to configure various parameters of the algorithms via a MaxMSP interface:

A screenshot is attached.

I used my “slippery chicken” Lisp software to generate the antescofo file for this. Some of you will have seen an earlier post from me about this: http://forumnet.ircam.fr/user-groups/antescofo/forum/topic/relation-between-beat-duration-and-bpm/

This is the first piece I’ve made with antescofo. I wanted it to be deliberately punchy, rhythmically, in order to test synchronisation, etc. So I purposely left my usual workflow and chose to work in a MIDI-sequencer fashion, with a sampler I programmed in MaxMSP. It was great fun.

Both the player (Gianpaolo Antongirolami) and I really enjoyed the flexibility this performance approach gave us. We found he could stretch rests out as much as he wanted and the software coped really well, on the whole, triggering events bang on time at the next synchronisation point. (I had to experiment a bit with FFT parameters in order to optimise the tracking algorithm–4096 / 256 worked best in the end).

Anyway, have a listen if you like, it’s at https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9308669/faces-master.m4a


   Michael Edwards
