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Music XML Imports in OM

Hi everyone

I am an OM beginner, I apologize for my question which seems extremely basic.

I am in trouble extracting information from Music XML files (generated in Finale for instance) to use that information in OM.
I am using the IMPORT-MUSICXML object connected to a POLY or a VOICE, and the import works fine.

But then, how can I extract information from the POLY/VOICE ?
I would like CHORD-SEQ-like info and the only thing I seem to be able to get out of a VOICE is a list of chords without onsets/durations.

Should I just forget about this and use MIDI Imports or is there a trick ?

Thanks for your help

Hi Jean-Francois,

This is pretty easy to do :

Connect the first output of your POLY/VOICE to the first input of your MULTI-SEQ/CHORD-SEQ and there you are…


Thanks a lot, I should have guessed that it worked both ways CHORD-SEQ-> VOICE and VOICE-> CHORD-SEQ.
Anyway, proof that the forum does indeed work well for any questions even the dumbest ;-d
All the best

Dear All,

I’ve attempted to import a Sibelius 7.1.3 XML into VOICE. I’ve been given the error that '::|attributes| is not of type sequence. Curious to hear if there is a solution!

Very best,


please attach the XML file

Hello dear OM users,

I’m trying to import in OM 6.17an musicxml (compressed xml, .mxl) file exported from Finale, using the ‘import-musicxml’ method. I got the following message : “Error while evaluating the box IMPORT-MUSICXML : XML parser expected < near stream position 0.”.
When trying to import same score exported as uncompressed .musicxml file, the error message is : “Error while evaluating the box IMPORT-MUSICXML : In / of (nil nil) arguments should be of type number.”. Same when trying to import from xml .xml file.
The score is a representation of set of 72 chords distributed into 6 parts of 12 bars, and each bar is made of just one chord without any rhythmic values.
The last error message tends to tell that some rhythmic values are required.
How to fix this issue ? (I may not be able to share the original Finale file :wink:
