How do I collect audio description by markerindex from mubu.track?
How do I collect audio description by markerindex from mubu.track?
Hi Shai, from mubu.track help:
getmatrix [ <int: index> [ <int: num> ] ]
outputs matrix values of one or more elements at the given index or of all elements
Thanks for the quick response but I may need something a little different (See attachment). I have a sound file with 24 segments and I want to collect the description separately for each segment.
You’re very close! instead of descr:chop, use descr:onseg @onseg.colindex 4 @onseg.numcols 1 … to get the description by segment. For your sound, @onseg.offthresh and @onseg.duration 1 would make sense.
Dear Diemo Schwarz,
Many thanks, and sorry for the beginner questions.
Is this the right way for extracting the frequency mean from each segment?
just the descr:onseg, but offthresh needs a value (read the pipo.onseg help)
I figured it out, Thanks!