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Mubu.track append bug?

I’ve recently started using MuBu for Max and am having trouble with the “append” message to mubu.track. When I send an append message with a data list of length > 1, it seems to only copy the first data point into every slot in the matrix. This occurs in the mubu.track.maxhelp file example: the message
“append 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12”

results in the whole matrix at time index 100 being populated with 1’s (see attached).

This seems to break the functionality of mubu.multitrack.record, which is what I’m trying to use.

Am I missing something?

Michael? Is that you?
This is already fixed, new release coming shortly. If you need it right now, here’s a prerelease: Nubo

Hi Diemo, indeed it’s me. Hope you’re doing well! Thanks for the pointer and the fix…it’s always good to know I’m not crazy.