Hi there,
still digging MuBu. Very amazing framework.
Still trying to figure out if I have to use time-tagged (bpf) or wave tracks for holding my midi cc evolution (no record realtime, only stored and replayed)
As far as I understood:
- bpf are time-tagged. If I put a point at (0,0) and another one at (1000,1), If I play it with mubu.play at speed 1., it gives me 0… then, after 1000ms, it gives 1. Is there a way to have an interpolation ? (I mean, not a line outside of mubu-play)
- wave are not time-tagged and there is an inner sample rate, ok
If I understand it correctly, it means: if I wanted to have and interpolation between two points previously inserted, the only way would be wave type of track ?
I tried to insert one point at (0,0) and one at (1000, 0) in a not time-tagged track with a sample rate of 1000. I play it but it play 0, then 1. And yes, there is only two elements in my track.
How could I set up a MuBu container for getting my values interpolated if I fill my container with sporadic values (but correctly placed like: (0,0) (1000, 2.) (3000, 0.5) and it would interpolate between them all along my timeline from 0 to 3000) ?
Would I need wave ? bpf ?