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Mubu/Pipo ircamdescriptor crash after Max8.1.0 update


Problem: Max 8.1.0 crashes with pipo.ircamdescriptor

Crash happens when loading patches that use mubu/pipo in combination with pipo.icramdescriptor analysis.
Also when opening the pipo.ircamdescriptor documentation from pipo.catalog helpfile.

Mac OS 10.13.6
Max v8.1.0
Mubu v1.9.9 (package manager)
Also after installing v1.9.10 (forum download)

Works fine with Max 8.0.8 so I went back to this version of Max.


I have the same problem so I think it’s a general problem with max 8.1…

Hello, problems still persisting after MAX 8.1.1 update, anyone in IMTR can chime in to give informations if it’s something we could expect to be fixed? Thank you very much!

Hi, will be fixed in this week’s release. It’s actually just due to an error message that makes Max >= 8.1 crash. I.e. if you use pipo.idesc with a non-empty descriptors list (as in new help pipo.ircamdescriptor.maxhelp) , it’ll be fine.

thanks, i’ve noticed that the 2019 release of mubu catart now crasjes consistently every time in MAX 8.1.1 on Mojave. I attach the crashlog. Any clue? Thanks…
catart-mubu-crashlog.rtf (127.4 KB)

dear Diemo, are you able to use mubu catart on max 8.1.1?