Hi all,
I have 2 questions concerning the mubu.knn object
1 - Is it somehow possible to do a “range search” with mubu.knn? For example, I have a segmented buffer, for each segment I have the “durration” and “max loudness” values, I would like to know all segments that have “duration”> to 1000ms and -10 db > “max loudness” > -40 db. Using only “weights” and “radius” adjusments is not so practical in this case… Or should I be looking at an other object or other method for this task?
2 - How can i take in to account the [time] column with the knn object (to take into consideration the position of the segment within the buffer)? In the mubu track which is beeing refer in the mubu.knn, should i have an extra colmumn that replicates those values, in the mubu track which searching?
Thanks for you help!