I’m very interested in MuBu’s possibilities for using singing to drive other processes and work with scores, but before I get there, I need to get it working properly.
When I open one of the examples in the MuBu examples folder, I get a Windows error message to say Max.exe cannot locate a component - pthreadVC2.dll
On searching, I can find this file in two places; one in Common Files/Apple/Apple Applications Support and the other in Max 6.1/support
The Apple applications support appears to be part of the Quicktime installation which is required for Jitter, so there may be conflicts between the two versions of pthreadVC2.dll. I have tried swapping the versions and disabling them (by changing the name) with a reboot between each intervention. I either get the error message, or Max hangs while trying to open the example.
I ran the .exe from the IRCAM shop download, and it’s unpacked a number of files into my Cycling 74/Max 6.1 folder - mostly it appears in a sub-folder ‘packages’. I’ve installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributable (to correct the lack of MSVCP120.dll) and added file paths for ‘Max 6.1/packages’ and ‘Max 6.1/support’ to the file preferences under options in Max. I’ve no reason to believe that there was a problem unpacking the files (I assume that’s all the MuBu .exe did).
I’m running Max 6.1 on Windows XP SP3. The system is not generally problematic, and there is no antivirus running, just Windows firewall.
Any suggestions gratefully received.
Thank you. Regards, Chris.