Hi “MUBU” team… (sorry for my awful English…)
As was already said, the “MUBU” development is really taking a very good shape.
Translating some patches (ftm.editor to MUBU), it is clair that the mubu.tracks are becoming an alternative to the fmat objects filling a big lack in MAX, more complex “data structures”
In this context, I would like to propose (or to ask) some “in place features” (or methods) to be applied to the mubu.tracks (related to a main MUBU container).
- The first (method, or set of…) is to be able to send to a MUBU messages like :
(track1 = track2 + track3)
(track1 = (track2/k1 + track3/k2)^2)
(track1 = track2) , track2 content is copied to track1
and so one…
It is important, also the choice of the syntax (infix, prefix or postfix). Even if, more and more languages mix them, just to have coherence with the main cases in MAX, I’ll prefer infix. It makes easier the transition for the standard user coming from “expr” for example. But, the best (imho), is to choose one and try to keep it.
the fmat methods (not their syntax) could be a good begin.
It is obvious that mubu.track is a polymorphic data structure, being able to contain, not only, vectors, but matrix, vectors of matrix, matrix of matrix, and so one. In this case, the methods could be just being applied for homomorphic data structures. It is up to the user to ensure the coherence of his data.
Hoping it could be useful
All the best