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MuBu GUI question

Here you can see an imubu object created with a series of attributes (cutting and pasting those in the comments)

There are additional commands I need to send in order to get the view I want, however, in a message box

Is there a way to write these as @ attributes? (or failing that, to trigger a bang to the message box upon creating a new imubu?)


Hi Christopher,

all attributes that concern the imubu in general as tabs, toolbar etc.(and not the views) can be saved with imubu directly in the patch. Those that concern the views can be set with the attribute “@info gui” when creating the corresponding tracks (addtrack @info gui “bgcolor darkgrey, fgcolor yellow, …”), but this configuration will be shared by all imubus showing the same track.
Unfortunately there is currently no message that coming out from the imubu when it’s finished loading (but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to add one). However I think a simple loadbang to the message box should do the trick.

Best Riccardo

I forgot that also the view config can be saved in the patch when the imubu has the attribute @embed == yes (In this way imubu saves both the data and the graphic configuration) or @embed == layout (This way imubu only saves the graphical configuration)