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Mubu.concat~ _ little bug?

Hi all,
I’m not able to change the “maxduration” parameter of segments (markers).
I tried with a message box, the attrui and with the inspector.

The only thing that seem to work is setting the parameter with the “@maxduration” attribute in the object itself…

Thanks in advance for your response, and as always,
thanks for your work!

Hi there,

This is a little tricky.
In fact, you can change the maxduration, but you cannot raise it above the max max duration given as attribute when you created the external.
However, when creating the object with an @maxduration attribute you can give 2 values. The first would be the max max duration and the second the current max duration that you can change in runtime via “maxduration” with a single argument. When you give only one argument to the @maxduration attribute when you create the object it will be the max max duration and the current max duration.

I hope this is clear (in all its twistedness :-).


P.S.: Be aware that mubu.concat~ is not really optimized for very long segments and 5 seconds (the default value of maxduration) is already quite a lot. But as long it doesn’t click/slip, everything goes…

Thanks for the fast response, Norbert.

Now, all is more clear!

A lot of things to learn about MuBu.

Thanks again.

