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MuBu and Max 6.1 issues

Hi all,

today I tried to use some patches using the mubu objects and I noticed that with the new version of max (6.1) there are several issues.

In the max window various alerts appear, such as:

  • mubu: unable to load object bundle executable

  • imubu: imubu: no such object

  • 2013-03-07 10:42:56.036 Max[1007:c07] Error loading /Users/Main/Documents/MyMax/Libraries/IrcamMaxObjects/MuBu/MuBuForMax-1.6.4/mubu.mxo/Contents/MacOS/mubu: dlopen(/Users/Main/Documents/MyMax/Libraries/IrcamMaxObjects/MuBu/MuBuForMax-1.6.4/mubu.mxo/Contents/MacOS/mubu, 262): Library not loaded: @executable_path/…/Frameworks/MaxJSRef.framework/Versions/A/MaxJSRef

    Referenced from: /Users/Main/Documents/MyMax/Libraries/IrcamMaxObjects/MuBu/MuBuForMax-1.6.4/mubu.mxo/Contents/MacOS/mubu

I’m on MacOsX 10.8.2

Any ideas?

I hope we can fix this as soon as possible,


Hi Pjeve

No error messages here. I am using the latest version of MUBU (1.6.4) and Max 6.1. OSX 10.6.8. I have MUBU installed within the Max application folder.

However, I can cause a repeatable crash by deleting an iMuBu object (blank session, nothing loaded). As a consequence, everytime I close a session that uses iMuBu, Max will crash.


Dear all,

The transition of all of our developments to the new 64-bit Max (even if it is so discreetly announced as a minor release) will take a little bit of time, but MuBu will certainly one of the first things coming out.




I know that the new version of Max has actually changed several things but the strange thing is that the error I mentioned above occurs using the 32-bit version of Max 6.1.

Also I have not encountered problems (for now) with other Ircam externals using the same system configuration…
