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Modelling a Ceramic Plate in Modalys

Hi, I’m hoping to model a ceramic tile using mlys.rect-plate. I seek information on the materials aspect of this. The Material Properties for Strings, Plates and Membranes section of the Modlays documentation is great but doesn’t seem to list a ceramic material, as far as I can see. Is this true or is there a material there that i can use?

Online, I have found density, Young, and Poisson values for materials such as alumia and macerite. Would these values provide the most accurate way to model a ceramic tile in Modalys?

Thanks in advance for any guidance.


Hi Matt,

It is true that ceramic is not listed per se in the documentation. I think ‘tooth enamel’ could be a good start…
Also I found this table of properties for ceramics (there are, indeed, many kinds of ceramics…)
And also that one.

NB: Modalys expresses Young modulus in N/m2, so to convert from GigaPascal to N/m2, you must multiply by 109, so for instance, 350 Gpa = = 350•109 = 3.5•1011 (= 3.5e11 in Modalys notation)

Keep us posted! :wink: