will there soon be a way too use one script multiple times in a poly~ object in max? and is there any kind of clear-message I can send to the modalys~ object so that the object doesn’t eat away cpu while I don’t need it?
you can tell to any instance of modalys~ inside a poly~ to read a different script, if you wish. You have to make a local receive for that.
to economize cpu:
- you can use mute inside poly~
- you can freeze objects
- or also you can put the weight of connections at 0
thanks man! knew about mute inside poly but not the two other ones. but I also found the message enable $1
thanks again. cheers
thanks man! knew about mute inside poly but not the two other ones. but I also found the message enable $1
thanks again. still to be able to use one script in poly~ with several instances would be cool…cheers
of course there is always the message enable. The freeze message (and unfreeze) is a recent function…i’ve not tested it yet.
I’m not sure to understand which is your problem of using one script in poly~ with several instance. You can make all you want:
- an unique script for all instances
- a different script for every instance (just create several of them and find a way in Max to give it to the different instances)
- several scripts in several modalys~ objets in the same instance of a poly~ (but, why to do that?)
if you can explain better which is exactly what you are not able to do…we can help somehow.
hey! sorry for my reduced explenation. I tried to put a modalys object with a loaded scripted rectplate in a poly today and the poly doesn’t work as it usually does with other things. if I play different pitches one after the other, the 1st plays and the 2nd only starts to sound once the 1st poly-instance is freed (with mute)…have you tried it? Did it work for you?
thanks and cheers
hm, this sounds to me a typical poly~ instantiation problem…are you sure to use in the right way the poly~ object=
post a patch with “copy compressed” if you need an help.
ok! my first version was a bit messy but in my opinion should have worked. I will build a clean version tomorrow and let you know in any case! Thanks for the help!
ok. so I have built this following poly~ and am sending in messages with the format note $1 $2 (pitch and velocity). it still does the same thing: plays the first note and then just refuses to play more until the first poly-instance is muted…am I missing something? (I have also attached the script)
TryPlate1.mlys (2.81 KB)
there are some misunderstanding in your use of strike envelope in modalys:
you make a scaling of the midi velocity to vary the edge of the strike envelope. This simply doesn’t work.
You have to do a simple abstract strike envelope that works fine, for example between 1 (no strike on the plate) and 0 (position of the strike on the plate). If you want to vary the timbre of the sound related to the midi velocity you have to scale the velocity using the weight of the strike connection between 0 (or a little more) and 1. But in your script the weight of the strike connection is not a dynamic controller.
Moreover, in your script you made two envelopes in the place of 1: the first with the note on and the second with the note off…this is because you trigger the envelope when any velocity is received inside the poly~.
I attach an archive with two patches (the main an the poly~) that you can use with the metro or with a midi keyboard. If you see inside the poly~, i used an adsr~ to trigger the envelope ONLY when the velocity is not 0.
You will have always a problem muting a modalys~ instance starting from a midi note message because every modalys resonator has its own resonance duration that you cannot manage with a note off (the resonator often is resonating yet when your finger ends a note). This is a problem for all and for this reason you put a delay of 4 seconds for muting the instance (and me too in the adsr~). This is a problem for all that everybody solve in some way.
I suggest also to use a signal control to make the strike envelope, is more precise than a dynamic controller. If you see in my patch i put the grain of my line to 1 msec
I see that you realized the script in Modalys Lisp. I highly recommend to use the mlys. externals and environment (you can download them in the ForumMaxApps) to build your modalys instruments and scripts. In this environment all the modalys instruments building is realist with max externals and, what is more easy to do than in Modalys Lisp, every object or connection you use comes with all the parameter set with dynamic controllers! Then you’ve only to use them! It’s handy and useful.
You’ve a very good tutorial in the ForumMaxApp Mlys onglet. Use it to built your instruments and study modalys.
Plate-example.zip (4.46 KB)
Wow! Thanks a lot! that really helped.
I have looked into the mlys-externals but somehow not a single of the example-patches works. one crashes and the rest produces no sound. In addition to that there are no helpfiles. That’s why I stuck to the script, which I created in OM with the Modalys-Library…I’m not initially a programer so I’m kind of an autodidact with this stuff…
thanks again! Will for sure continue to work with modalys
I assure you that doing the mlys tutorial is a very good start.
It’s strange that it doesn’t work for you, did you have installed correctly the mlys objects in your Max Search Paths?
When you instal modalys, go to Applications/Modalys/Components/Max
Inside this folder you find a modalys folder. Copy this folder in your search paths and the mlys environment will work properly.
Install the externals and go to the tutorial, all is well explained. you can find patches in presentation mode and you can go on patching mode.
If you’ve not sound just wait 1-2 seconds (some patches need this delay to be charged). Or turn off then on the audio.
The modalys team is currently preparing the help files for the mlys objects but if you know a little the logic of modalys and you do the mlys tutorial is enough to start and directly interactive, the opposite of OM with Modalys lib.
the advantage of Mlys environment is that every parameter is already a dynamic controller…so you need only to vary it in Max.
Go in the Patching view of Mlys tutorial and soon you’ll be able to construct your own instrument.
Hey, I reinstalled the mlys-library. however the hybrid-examples do not work (see attached screenshot of max-window 10.16.30). The force help seems to not work either (attached screenshot 10.19.52).
However my first mlys-patch with a rect-plate kind of worked…I still have to experiment how to control the force better, how to dynamically control f.ex. the pitch…the problem is, that the max-window tells me, that @target-attribute isn’t a valid attribute for expression. then when I connect it to the object and just evaluate, max crashes or tells me “Could not make controller expression”…:-(…I guess I am doing something wrong but the controllers_example just crashes on me every time I push the bang…
here is my patch at the moment
ahhh found the way just ignoring expression and sending the attribute directly to the modalys~ object!
but could you tell me how I can define the access-position of the point-output (don’t want it on the same spot as the hit) and how I can create 2 working point-outputs with different access-positions going to 2 channels (stereo)?
- I can see it is really time for us to release the whole mlys objects help files!
(soon to come…)
…“j’attendraaaaiiii…le jour et la nuit j’attendrai toujoooouuurs…” (french song) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqvr6igV3Wc
anyway thanks man! am starting to figuring it out…found stereo through another forum topic and also the access-point stuff! thanks a lot for the help!