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Modalys 3.8.2 beta1


The latest beta release Modalys 3.8.2 beta is available from the beta download page.

3.8.2 is a maintenance release with focus on stability and performance.

Release notes for 3.8.2.b1:

  • Modalys for Max
    • important fix in Max messaging.
    • fixed: important issue in poly or multichannel context.
    • fixed: several instrument examples.
  • lua (mlys.lua)
    • added: functions set_amplitude_controller, set_frequency_controller and set_loss_controller
    • fixed: melt-hybrid.
    • added: labium connection.

Thank you for testing Modalys!
Robert P


The modalys~ Max object (3.8.2b1) won’t load in Max 8.6.0

8.5.7 and earlier versions load it fine, appears to be something about 8.6.0

Not tried any other modalys~ versions in Max 8.6.0 yet

Ah, missed this post. I noticed the same. It is the same for the latest released version.

Ok yeah, I expected so. Thanks for the info.


Max 8.6.1 / Windows crashes upon double-clicking over a mlys.expression object.

By the same token, if updating to Live 12, it can only work with Max 8.6._, which means as it stands there is no way to use Live 12 and Modalys. :slightly_frowning_face:

I wonder if somebody from the Modalys team is checking the forum? I was really impressed by their demonstration at the Forum event and can’t wait to try it out myself :slight_smile: Maybe @piechaud can help?


Modalys 3.8.2 will be publically released soon, addressing all known issues.
Thank you for your patience!

Robert @IRCAM

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