I have just issued a new beta version - b11 - since b10 broke the modalys~ object (Modalys for Max).
Also, releases are now accessible from this modalys beta project page, rather that from the googledrive
(Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any problem getting access to the beta project page.)
3.6 beta cumulative release notes
- Modalys for Max: modalys~ object was broken in b10
- macOS Catalina support with fully notarized installer
- recompiled, correctly codesigned Modalisp and Medit
- updated Matlab objects (64bit)
- mlys.lua :
* moved from luajit to moonjit lib
* new function modalys.view_mesh(--mesh ref--): to invoke Medit
* new object modalys.inlet_observer to monitor inlet updates. With "modalys.inlet_observer.callback = my_callback" you shall assign a callback of your own receiving 2 parameters: inlet# and current float value.
Modalys for Max
- mlys.lua:
* "mlys" alias namespace created. So instead of "modalys.freq_to_midi", you may write the more compliant "mlys.freq_to_midi"
* aliases added to functions, to match legacy namings: modalys <-> mlys, make_object <-> create_object,
make_connection <-> create_connection, make_mesh <-> create_mesh, make_point_output <-> create_point_output, extend_mesh <-> create_mesh
Modalys for Max
- a long-standing request: modifying an attribute in mlys.expression (and now mlys.lua) doesn't erase the script content anymore!
- mlys.lua:
* improved stability.
* modalys.release now accepts any series of item references. For instance modalys.release(mystring,mymesh,ctrl1)
* new function modalys.compute_modes(--object reference--)
* new function get_pitched_finite_element_object(--parameters--). Parameters are: "mesh", "name", "block" (a mesh that describes the fixed nodes), "midinote" or "frequency", "modes" (amount), "thickness" (for 2D mesh), "density", "young", "poisson", "constloss", "freqloss".
* new function modalys.freeze_object(--object reference--) For now, it is only for actual objects (strings, tubes etc.) but the plan is to extend it to access and controllers.
* new function modalys.get_mesh(--object reference--) to get the mesh reference of a given 3D-based object.
* new objects implemented in create_object (more to come...)
* new connections implemented in create_connection (more to come...)
Modalys for Max
- mlys.lua
* new function modalys.midi_to_freq(--midi note--)
* new function modalys.freq_to_midi(--freq--)
* new function normalised_random()
* new function modalys.create_access(--parameters--). Parameters are: "kind" (normal, trans0 etc.), "where" (object ref), "name", "location"/"position" (can 1- or 2-dimensional, or a node etc.)
* new function modalys.create_point_output(--parameters--)
* new function modalys.create_object(--parameters--)
* new function modalys.create_connection(--parameters--)
* new function modalys.create_mesh(--parameters--)
* new function modalys.extend_mesh(--parameters--)
* new function modalys.transform_mesh(--parameters--)
* new function modalys.save_mesh(--parameters--). Parameters are: "mesh", and "path" (can be relative).
* new function modalys.create_connection(--parameters--)