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Modalisp Finite Element and TriHybrid

Hello everyone.
I’m trying to create a TriHybrid script in Modalisp from finite element objects and then export it in .mlys file;
when i’m trying to access the trihybrid object created an error occures telling me that it doesn’t understand syntax but i followed the exact syntax explained in the documentation (and yes I also tried the ‘ghost creation-access’ mode explained for melt hybrid and naturally adapted to trihybrid but modalisp doesn’t accept objects made of accesses).
This is the error:
Error: Undefined operator MAKE-TRI-HYBRID-ACCESS in form (MAKE-TRI-HYBRID-ACCESS name_hybrid_object object1 object2 object3).

Of course I put the inputs for object1 object2 and object3 after the name of the hybridobject i created BEFORE the acces creation of the hybrid object .
I’m pretty sure that the creation of the tri-hybrid object itself works since i had no error in the listener if I run the code or try to export in mlys format.

I created other finite-element script for .mlys exportation in the past months (i had to discover myself practically everything because the finite element documentation doesn’t explain barelly nothing and the syntax is old and doesn’t work anymore (define is not a method to define variables but instead setf setq and defvar are for example and also the summoning of controllers is obsolete and make modalisp crash practically always with CHAR error code)) and they work.

By the way, first i load the modal files then i create the finitelement-object based on these files, after that i create controllers and acceses (input and outputs) for these finitelement-object and then i create the trihybrid made of 3 finitelement-objects.
Only when i try to write the access to the hybridobject in form (setf hybrid_object_access (make-tri-hybrid-access hybrid_name access_object1 access_object2 access_object3)) the error occurs.
Need help to understand where I did go wrong or if is just modalisp that can’t handle these types of object (3D in 'xyz accesses).

Thanks in advance