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Missing externals, mubu.dtw and pipo.descriptor

in the newest release 1.9.1 (16/3 2017) for Mac OSX
The mubu.dtw external is missing, but the helpfile is included.

Same goes for the pipo.ircamdescriptor that is also missing as an external, but I have it from the Max Sound Box and it initialise but
throws the error message:

pipo~: doesn’t understand “ircamdescriptor.descriptors”
mubu.process: doesn’t understand “ircamdescriptor.descriptors”

Hi, thanks for the report.
A new mubu version fixing these problems will be released shortly.


Hi there

I installed the latest version of MUBU and am now having lots of errors with mubu.process.

Any instance of mubu.process throws an invalid attribute error such as mubu.process “slice.hop” is not a valid argument or cannot find external module for pipo ‘ircamdescriptors’

If I load pipo.ircamdescriptors however, there are no errors.

Is anyone else experiencing this? I’m on mac osx 10.10.5

edit disregard! turns out i had collected certain mubu objects into a max project, which somehow screwed up my search path.