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MINT: methods and tools for tactile and gestural interaction

MINT is a team located in Lille, devoted to tactile and gestural interaction.

Part of the team activity is interested in interactive art. We have collaborated in recent years with few artists on some interactive installations. As example, we participated to the following works, involving artists from Le Fresnoy national art studio (http://www.lefresnoy.net):

for an almost complete list of our art collaborations see http://www.lifl.fr/mint/pmwiki.php?n=artScience.php

in a general way, we are also interested in instrumented gestural interaction, tangible interaction, and projects that study relation between interaction, space, perception of space, movement, time, and expressivity. We are very much open to discussing about theses subjects with artists that may have ideas of project, and want to discuss about these with us.

for further informations, see website: http://www.lifl.fr/mint

Merci… j’ai integré ici: http://forumnet.ircam.fr/inriart/mint/

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Pour la page principale, j’ai besoin d’un visuel plus parlant de MINT (pour le slideshow): http://forumnet.ircam.fr/inriart/

Aussi, pour votre page d’équipe: Je crois que tu peux aller PLUS LOIN des projets FRESNOY… vous faites par exemples des capteurs qui vont fortement rêver des artistes (qu’on ne sera jamais capable à faire à l’Ircam). Tu peux inclure qq vidéos aussi de ce genre qui sont sur ton site web (ou bien de me les envoyer pour que j’inclues).