A few quick comments:
- curve smoothing for vizualisation (long story I know ;)).
Indeed, there are many edge cases and IMO the curve has to pass through all the points, which is a bit contradictory with smoothing…
- different value ranges in the Group Overlay View so we can superpose…
Tracks with a vertical zoom (matrix or vector) have a “Bin Range Link” or “Value Range Link” option which can be used to disable the link with other track zooms. Then, to select the track you’re zooming in on in the group overlay, you can right-click and select the track reference. Does that answer your question?
- a quick Template for (Whisper then VAX Aligned Text).
That could be done easily, I’ll try to do it for the VAX plugin release.
- batch processing for several files.
You can already batch several audio files (menu File → Batch…). Otherwise, I’m not sure I understand the question.
- export or delete audio between markers generated from thresholds.
Partiels won’t transform audio, but you can use Reaper (export markers to Reaper and use the Split element on project markers), CUE format (CUE Splitting - ArchWiki), or with a small Max or Pd patch.