I installed OM7.3 and encountered some issues with MIDI settings. OM Listener reports an error:
OM > “PortMIDI ERROR: port 0 is not connected. Check MIDI preferences to connect MIDI devices?”
Hi Vincent,
That’s because you need to connect your midi output to some device (hardware or software). It is not an error, but a warning.
Thank you for your response. May I ask, regarding the software, what software needs to be installed to achieve playback of MIDI for sound output in the chord-seq within OM?
You can use vpmk it’s free.
Read this:
Thank you very much for your advice; I have successfully installed VMPK and it is running well in OM. Below are my settings for OM and VMPK, and the current situation is good. If there are any issues with my settings, please point them out. Thank you again for your guidance.
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This seems good to me.
Have fun!