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MIDI accompaniment

I’m trying to get individual midi note playback.

My score is very simple:

NOTE C4 1 measure1  
	0 mychord C ; this works, meaning it's gets played out  
NOTE D4 1  
	0 mnote 64 ; this doesn't  

What am I doing wrong?

What do you mean by “not being played out”? I just copy/pasted your code to AscoGraph and tested… seems fine.

How are you testing? By simulatin a MIDI? Audio? Is the event NOTE D4 being detected?

Note that the action mnote 64 in your score is attached to event NOTE D4 meaning that it’s launched once that event is recognized by the score follower.

Also, you should make sure that you have a receive object in Max/pd for the actions (in your case for mnote and myChord). Otherwise you’ll see a warning in Pd/Max window… .

I have a midi keyboard connected via USB. I’m using the “Inlets” midi input patch from the tutorial.
Instead of oh_susannah.asco.txt, I have test1.txt.

Yes, the notes C4 and D4 are detected. I’m also cross checking by pushing the play button. mychord is being played out (meaning I can hear the playback through the speakers) and also the noteout+kslider highlight the notes in red. But not mnote.

Also tried putting the mnote under C4 (same thing happens).

Hmmm I just did the same test. It works :slight_smile:

Try using the attached patch to this post (made specifically for MIDI and also available in the Packages folder under ircam-antescofo/clippings)

antescofo-midi.maxhelp (37.7 KB)