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Merger bug?


I’m trying to patch a very simple rhythmic procedure, that involves rotating the placement of 2 pulses in a given “grid” (see patch below). When trying to merge the 2 attacks into a single voice using the merger object, either a very weird result comes out, or it gives an error (“Error while evaluating the box MERGER : In gcd of (1 5/4) arguments should be of type integer.”).

Is this a bug? Is there another way to merge to voices/RT into one? I searched around but did not find much. Thanks in advance!

Here’s the patch:

merger bug.omp (18.9 KB)

Dear zeracosaitam1.

Yes indeed! This is a very old bug of merger. In fact, merger dislikes rests in the beginning of objects. It ignores them apparently. For the time being, just convert the first silences into notes as here:

I don’t have time for writing a fix right now since we have upcoming workshops and i am preparing a new release (lots of bugs to fix already :slight_smile: )

But i promise you I will provide you with a solution very soon.

Here is the patch from the example above:
merger bug1.omp (20.7 KB)


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