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Maquette looping: a question

The maquette’s loop-play works nicely now, but I wonder if a feature could be added that would permit evaluation during a loop cycle. Currently an evaluation only takes effect on a stop & restart of the loop, I think it would be cool if it took effect during the cycling. Is this a do-able feature ?

Dear Dave,

Yes i think it is possible, but needs some coding, and on one condition: If the evaluation is not related to timestamp. The maquette needs to evaluate BEFORE it performance when the tempout is connected to a musical factory which involves time, that must be calculated priory to its performance. Now if the evaluation is just sending “live” messages to osc, or midi msg, i believe it is doable. However needs some “configuring out” kind of programing.
Anyhow i think it is a great idea.


Thanks, Karim ! Yes, my use case is currently limited to “maquette + OSC” so it should fit into a working model. :slight_smile:

Dear Dave,

Understood. Can you please provide me with a minimal example using osc messages + midi in a maquette. I started to work on this issue and i am not sure about the osc send messages sent from the maquette if i got this right. I might have an elegant solution. But this is too early to say.


osc-seq.omm (126.4 KB)

Let me know if this works for you.

No MIDI, just OSC on both ends (VCV Rack and OM7).

Dear Dave,

After figuring out how OSC works, i managed to send from OM7 to PureData some flow of data. And it appears that the loop IS working. However i tested it on Linux. Will try to see if it is a platform dependency problem (ie a bug in macosx) or something else.


Yes, the loop works well here too. Are you saying that a maquette can be evaluated without halting a looping playback ?

dear Dave,

sorry, my bad. got a little bit carried away from your request, Maquette evaluation during a play and/or a loop. Well this indeed is quite an issue. Since as said before, the maquette shoudl be first evaluated before its performance. However, we can consider a parrallel processing job that could interfere with the maquette during it’s performance, not sure, but I think possible, depending on the change you want to operate on. Can you just tell me more about it in say more practical/precise terms (no need for a patch/maquette for the time being.)


My use case is pretty simple. I start a maquette with loop play enabled. The items in the maquette are producing randomized output. If I want a new randomization I have to stop the maquette playback, evaluate it, then restart the loop. I’d like to evaluate the maquette during the loop and have the results play without having to stop it. As noted earlier, I’m not greatly concerned about timing issues so hopefully no deep change would be required within OM.

Ok i got this.
This is nothing to do with OSC. It is the same with midi & al. In principle, when the maquette is played it is presumed that all calculations are done. This applies by the way with the “Lispish” programing spirit. However, we might find something to overrule it and send maybe some values during play.
I will see if there is a possibility to bypass this under certain conditions and wi ll get back to you ASAP.


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