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List of Ircamax Collection 2 devices with "Unable to load object bundle executable" errors

I was hoping to bring these objects to Ircam’s attention as they are showing the same error as mentioned in the recent posts about modalys.

IM-Freezer - sogs and supervp.scrub
IM-Chromax - chromax
IM-Ianalyzer - iana
IM-Notetracker - yin
IM-PsychHarmonizer - psychoirtrist

yin and supervp.scrub I was able to replace myself with the latest externals from Somax and SuperVP, but currently their out of date versions are still shipping in the m4l devices through the Ableton pack. The rest of the objects I could not find updated versions of online. Everything appears to have been last updated in September 2021 based on the date modified.

Thank you

Update for anyone else with this problem, I found the rest of the updated externals. They are all in Ircam’s Max Sound Box package.

One more bit of feedback about the forum search engine if anyone from Ircam sees this: searching for any of the object names (which was the first thing I tried) returns no results even though they all appear on the Max Sound Box page. I found it by accident just randomly browsing.

LMAO nevermind they updated the pack in Live. Didn’t think to check because nobody replied to me, Jhyde’s recent post about it, or made an announcement. I do really appreciate the fix though.

(& my feedback about the search engine still stands)