Hi All,
I am trying to resolve a specific poblem, but I can not find out the right Lisp code to do it, so any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.
My problem is the following: given a whatever series of pitches, I want to randomly transpose some of them to superior octave, and then repeat the cycle until all pitches are in the superior octave.
i have set the code for random transposition:
(lambda (series)
(loop for i in (flat series) collect
(< i (om::om+ 1200 (om::list-max series)))
(> i (om::list-min series)))
(om::om+ i (om:nth-random '(0 1200)))
and tried to use it inside an iterative process:
(lambda (series)
(loop for i = series
while (equal (om::list-min i) (om::list-min series))
do (loop for k in (flat i) collect
(< k (om::om+ 1200 (om::list-max series)))
(> k (om::list-min series)))
(om::om+ k (om:nth-random '(0 1200)))
collect i))
but OpenMusic go into an infinite loop. Or, in another attempt woith different code, it transposes also more than one octave high the already transposed pitches.
I have looked for useful examples in some LISP book, but I can not arrive to a solution.
Many thanks in advance, ciao