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Lilypond and Big Sur install issue

Dear Karim,

Here I am on a Big Sur system and I have to install Lilypond and it doesn’t seem to be easy.

What Lilypond offers does not use a graphical application anymore, all the content seems to be provided but the installation procedure has changed and I am lost, here it is:


I would like to congratulate you for om-lily which does not work but behaves beautifully,

I ran a patch and look at the listener :

:: cd "/Users/lotus/Desktop/"; bash -l -c '"path to Lilypond binary" "/Users/lotus/Desktop/try"'
:: bash: path to Lilypond binary: command not found
:: open "/Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf"
:: The file /Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf does not exist.
OM => #P"/Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf"

How can I use the .sh in the terminal ? mac ports and lilypond port ?



Dear Jerome,

Two issues here:

  1. lilypond installation

  2. Path to lilypond binary.

possible solutions:

  1. first open a terminal
  2. if you installed correctly lilypond from macports, (it should be in /usr/local/bin or in /usr/bin) when you type

lilypond --version

in your terminal you should have something like:

karim@anton:~$ lilypond --version
GNU LilyPond 2.22.0

Copyright (c) 1996--2020 by
  Han-Wen Nienhuys <hanwen@xs4all.nl>
  Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
  and others.

This program is free software.  It is covered by the GNU General Public
License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it
under certain conditions.  Invoke as `lilypond --warranty' for more

If you don’t have this, this means it is not correctly installed.

  1. Once lilypond correctly installed, please make sure when loading the omlily library to add the correct path in the externals preferences’ tab:

That way OM will find the lilypond binary, and you will not have this problem:

:: cd "/Users/lotus/Desktop/"; bash -l -c '"path to Lilypond binary" "/Users/lotus/Desktop/try"'
:: bash: path to Lilypond binary: command not found
:: open "/Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf"
:: The file /Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf does not exist.
OM => #P"/Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf"

Here by the way a page for macports lilypond’s install:


Hope this helps.

I managed to install lilypond, it works when I type the command in the terminal but I can’t locate it on my Mac, here is the home I get


Dear Jerome,

Since this app is unix based, you should not consider even sending a screenshot of a folder, because this won’t help at all :slight_smile:

Here what to do:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. and then type:

which lilypond

it should return the path to the lilypond binary.

It is as simple as that.!

It could be in /opt/usr/local/bin
since this used to be the location of macports binaries. But i don’t use macports. I prefer homebrew, which is more orthodox with unix like installations.


no lilypond file in :



is there any Unix command to locate the file ?

…read above…


find it : /opt/local/bin/lilypond

But in OM externals tab, I don’t see the folder /opt and no hidden datas…


Dear Jerome,

You need to click on the folder icon, and then you can specify the path to /opt/local/bin/lilypond


Further info:

and macports documentation:


Hope this helps…

Tiens moi au courrant…


sorry K, but it’s what I’m doing… hidden files or folders are visible in the finder but not in OM… did I miss an episode with the finder ? i tried to reboot… no way…

see :



I will dig macports, it’s completly new for me.



Ok I see.
Is it possible just to type the path once you click on the folder icon?
I will check this on my mac to see. If not we will find a way to fix this.

It silly to have a /.opt folder. should be opt/ the reason i don’t use macports.

yes, pressing “/” allows to see eveything


but now it’s not working

> :: cd "/Users/lotus/Desktop/"; bash -l -c '"lilypond" "/Users/lotus/Desktop/try"'
> :: bash: lilypond: command not found
> :: open "/Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf"
> :: The file /Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf does not exist.
> OM => #P"/Users/lotus/Desktop/try.pdf"

but in cmd, lilypond works…

and when I reload the workspace, the path is missing…

Last login: Mon Aug 30 16:37:52 on console
lotus@tv ~ % lilypond
GNU LilyPond 2.22.1
Utilisation : lilypond [OPTIONS]... FICHIER...

Composer la musique ou jouer en format MIDI à partir du FICHIER

LilyPond produit une jolie notation musicale
Pour plus d'informations, voir https://lilypond.org

Options :
  -f, --formats=FORMATs             produire FORMAT...
                                        Aussi comme options séparées :
      --pdf                         générer des fichiers PDF (par défaut)
      --svg                         générer des fichiers SVG
      --png                         générer des fichiers PNG
      --ps                          générer des fichiers PostScript
  -E, --eps                         générer des fichiers PostScript encapsulé
  -O, --pspdfopt=CLÉ               définit l'optimisation ps/pdf à CLÉ, à savoir
                                        « size » (par défaut), « TeX » ou «TeX-GS »
  -d, --define-default=SYM[=VAL]    affecte VAL (par défaut #t) à l'option Scheme SYM ;
                                        utiliser -dhelp pour avoir de l'aide.
  -e, --evaluate=EXPR               évaluation du code Scheme
  -h, --help                        visualiser cette aide et quitter
  -H, --header=CHAMP                écrire le champ d'entête CHAMP dans le
                                        fichier nommé RACINE.CHAMP
  -I, --include=RÉP                ajouter RÉPERTOIRE au chemin de recherche
  -i, --init=FICHIER                utiliser FICHIER comme
                                      fichier d'initialisation
  -j, --jail=USER,GROUP,CAGE,RÉP   chroot dans CAGE, devenir UTILISATEUR:GROUPE
                                        et cd dans RÉPERTOIRE
  -l, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL           affiche les informations selon le niveau de LOGLEVEL :
                                        NONE, ERROR, WARNING, BASIC,
                                        PROGRESS, INFO (défaut) ou DEBUG.
  -o, --output=FICHIER              écrit le résultat dans FICHIER (le suffixe
                                        sera ajouté) ou dans DOSSIER, auquel cas le
                                        nom du fichier serarepris du fichier source.
      --relocate                    ignoré(e)
  -s, --silent                      pas de progression, seulement les messages d'erreur
                                        (équivalent à --loglevel=ERROR)
  -v, --version                     affiche le numéro de version et quitte
  -V, --verbose                     état verbeux (équivalent à --loglevel=DEBUG)
  -w, --warranty                    affiche les notices de garantie et du droit d'auteur

Transmettez votre rapport de bogue en anglais à https://lilypond.org/bug-reports.html
  ou la <a href="https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user-fr">liste francophone des utilisateurs</a>.

lotus@tv ~ %


One problem at a time:

can you please type this is a terminal:
echo $PATH

lotus@tv ~ % echo $PATH


OM => :mac

ok all is good. I suspect that in bigsur there is no more bash compatibility,
Can you please do the ultimate test before fixing this issue (just to be sure where the problem lies):

which bash


lotus@tv ~ % which bash


Ok so the problem still lies in the path of the binary.
I am testing this on Catalina with a lilypond install from homebrew and all is working.
So please do try to fix the issue with the path.
question: when you define the path, do you click on apply + ok?
reopen the preferences and check it out if it is still there.

Try now evaluating om->lily. This should work.

If not please do call these functions (after laoding the library) and send me please the output:



Yes, it’s still there !

no… sorry

that ?

MIDI Setup:
  MIDI devices detected:
     UMC204HD 192k [INPUT]
     Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 [INPUT]
     VMPK Output [INPUT]
     UMC204HD 192k [OUTPUT]
     Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 [OUTPUT]
     VMPK Input [OUTPUT]
  MIDI-OUT port 0 => VMPK Input
  MIDI-OUT port 1 => VMPK Input
Audio Setup...
  Audio driver: CoreAudio
  Selected device: Loopback Audio
  Initializing audio channels (0x2)
 OpenMusic v.                            
 r. 2021/05/19
 (c) IRCAM - Representations Musicales

Loading workspace: 'Untitled' ...
Workspace loaded
Loading patch: /Users/lotus/Desktop/Untitled/elements/Patch 2.omp
Loading patch: /Users/lotus/Desktop/Untitled/elements/Patch.omp
OM > "Loading library omlily - v. 3.2"

;;               OMLily  
;;      author : Karim Haddad 
;;      RepMus - IRCAM

Audio Setup...
  Audio driver: CoreAudio
  Selected device: Loopback Audio
  Initializing audio channels (0x2)
Audio Setup...
  Audio driver: CoreAudio
  Selected device: Loopback Audio
  Initializing audio channels (0x2)
:: cd "/Users/lotus/Desktop/"; bash -l -c '"lilypond" "/Users/lotus/Desktop/trg"'
:: bash: lilypond: command not found
:: open "/Users/lotus/Desktop/trg.pdf"
:: The file /Users/lotus/Desktop/trg.pdf does not exist.
OM => #P"/Users/lotus/Desktop/trg.pdf"


Here try this patch:

lily.omp (770 Bytes)

But first please do load the library.

By the way, which version of the library you are using ?

MIDI Setup:
  MIDI devices detected:
     UMC204HD 192k [INPUT]
     Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 [INPUT]
     VMPK Output [INPUT]
     UMC204HD 192k [OUTPUT]
     Gestionnaire IAC Bus 1 [OUTPUT]
     VMPK Input [OUTPUT]
  MIDI-OUT port 0 => VMPK Input
  MIDI-OUT port 1 => VMPK Input
Audio Setup...
  Audio driver: CoreAudio
  Selected device: Loopback Audio
  Initializing audio channels (0x2)
 OpenMusic v.                            
 r. 2021/05/19
 (c) IRCAM - Representations Musicales

Loading workspace: 'Untitled' ...
Workspace loaded
OM > "Cannot make a lib out of a OM protected package!"
OM > "Loading library omlily - v. 3.2"

;;               OMLily  
;;      author : Karim Haddad 
;;      RepMus - IRCAM

Audio Setup...
  Audio driver: CoreAudio
  Selected device: Loopback Audio
  Initializing audio channels (0x2)
Audio Setup...
  Audio driver: CoreAudio
  Selected device: Loopback Audio
  Initializing audio channels (0x2)
Audio Setup...
  Audio driver: CoreAudio
  Selected device: Loopback Audio
  Initializing audio channels (0x2)
Loading patch: /Users/lotus/Desktop/Untitled/elements/lily.omp

I use : Lilypond 2.22.1

