Thank you for your feedback. I can only speak for Dicy2/Somax, but the main reason why we don’t have Windows releases for these is because there hasn’t been a single person showing any interest in it.
With that said, running the source code on Windows is not as difficult as one might think: the backend is written in Python, so there’s no need to compile anything or to have any knowledge of CMake, git, python or any other developer tools, it’s just necessary to run a couple of commands in the shell to start the server.
We used to have an informal Windows release for Somax up to version 2.3.2. This will unfortunately no longer run as of version 2.4, but you can find the old installation instructions here. if this seems to be of any interest to you, we could always make sure to update this for the next release so that it would be possible to run the latest version in the same manner