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Just thank you!

Dear Axel et Greg, @beller @roebel

I’d just like to thank you for the effort put on ISiS and Max ISiS, results are really wonderful for as much as it concerns virtual choral writing.
I attach a short excerpt of a kind of crossover in between Nono and Monteverdi I’m doing for an upcoming live set which I found really surprising, quality-wise, just for people crashing on this post and maybe getting some good will to experiment with ISiS…

Keep going!

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Dear Ratox

thanks for sharing, I am very happy that Max&ISiS were helpful. Good luck for the concert.


Dear @ratox,
Thank you for sharing this excerpt!
We would love to share the information about your upcoming live set, when and where will it be?
An article could even be written on our website (Ircam Auth)
Adèle from the IRCAM Forum