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@jump in pd linux


I’m just learning Antescofo, it looks like a great tool!

I’ve gotten it to do basic score following, but I can’t get the @jump command to work.

Am I using it wrong or is it not implemented yet in the linux pd version?

My testpatch and score are attached.



backbeat.asco_1.txt (870 Bytes)

Hi Magnetophon,

I attempting to respond to your old post which got somehow lost in the system. People getting this reply can see your original question regarding the jump option and your score by clicking on the post URL.

I looked at your score. It seems to be fine! However:

  • Why are you using the ‘@inlet HZ’ option? This means that you are using Fiddle or Sigmund or the like as input… I strongly suggest (for monophonic and polyphonic audio) to use the internal audio recognition of Antescofo.
  • How do you test?

I am using @Hz because I want to integrate antescofo into a patch I made that tracks beat boxing ( among other things)
Eventually Antescofo will receive three numbers, representing kick, snare and HH.

I am testing by clicking on message boxes with appropriate numbers in them, and antescofo prints out the test messages I put in the score just fine, but it won’t loop back to the beginning.

Thanks for your help,

Got your problem.

In your case, your beat boxing sends discrete data (kick, snare and HH) or in other words, data does not arrive continuously in time.

The ‘@inlet hz’ type is designed for continuous pitch input from fiddle, sigmund (by @millerpuckette) or yin objects.

What you really need is some sort of fake MIDI! So what I suggest for you is to instantiate the Antescofo object using ‘@inlet MIDI’ so that the first inlet receives MIDI messages (meaning PITCH+VELOCITY) and then you translate your beat boxing to fake MIDI messages! You score doesn’t change at all!

Alternative solution is to use the userdefined inlet… only numerical inputs are allowed.

I put a PD patch as attachment to this post that you can look for the basic structure. If you intend to use the second solution, I need to get you more details… it has not been severely tested whereas the first solution has been extensively used.

magnetofon-antescofo.pd (545 Bytes)

Hi Arshia,

I’ve got it working to a certain extent:
Antescofo follows my score until the first jump. At the jump it sets the event number output to the correct place on the score, but then stops outputting anything else until after the “jump loop”.

So with the attached score and pd file I get the following result:

click number-box 60
Antescofo outputs event number 1

click number-box 60
Antescofo outputs event number 2

click number-box 90
Antescofo outputs event number 3

click number-box 90
Antescofo outputs event number 4

click number-box 60
Antescofo outputs event number 5

click number-box 70
Antescofo outputs event number 6

click number-box 80
Antescofo outputs event number 7

Up until here all the expected prints are seen and clicks are heard.

click number-box 60
Antescofo correctly outputs event number 5 but doesn’t print or click.

click number-box 70, then 80, then any number of repetitions of 60, 70, 80.
Antescofo stays at 5 and doesn’t print or click.

click number-box 100
Antescofo outputs event number 8 and starts printing and clicking again

click number-box 100
Antescofo outputs event number 9.

I would also like to learn about user-defined inlets but I’ll start another thread for that, so others can more easily find the info later on.


Edit: I had to update the attachments, and then the forum-software added numbers to the file-names, so you should edit those filenames back before using them.

backbeat.asco_2.txt (786 Bytes)


Just checked your score and patch in Pd regarding @jump. You are right! The jump is correctly detected but actions are NOT triggered correctly! This is a bug: It comes from an old bit of code that would evade actions from repeating themselves in case the score follower would “go back”. I am fixing this right now. We will include this in the new release and I’ll send you a build ASAP.

Thanks for bringing this up!

Thanks for the quick reply!
Looking forward to the new software.