Giving a look at the ‘onset-with-descr-then-edit-and-resegment’ patcher (in the Mubu-howto-segmentation example), I came across two issues.
- Following the steps in the patcher, when banging the mubu.process (step 3), the first marker found is at 281.7461 ms. Bangin it again, mubu.process then find another initial marker (at 16.48526 ms).
Any reason that initial marker is missed/skipped in the first processing ?
- There is something that escapes me regarding the ‘chop’ process.
Using imubu ui, if I move the first marker, I see that some values change for both first and second marker stats.
Is this expected ?
I am also not totally sure how stats are run. Does the chop process compute stats using all frames between two consecutive markers or does it do so using all frames within a marker duration ?
Thanks in advance.